
Winter Climate in Tibet City

The main climatic characteristics of the winter months:

The main characteristics of the winter months the cold, dry, precipitation, more wind. High-altitude Tibetan plateau, the temperature is low. January average temperature, in addition to southeast Tibet and the Himalayas south wing, the other regions were lower than 0 ℃, the majority of the extreme minimum temperature below -20 ℃, altitude 4507 meters of Nagqu also appeared -41.2 ℃ low temperature.

As the height disparity, making the low-temperature duration varies greatly. Western and northern regions from October to April the following year most of the monthly average temperature is lower than 0 ℃, 4,000 meters above sea level below the monthly average temperature of the Brahmaputra valley below 0 ℃, there are 2-3 months. Extreme minimum temperature ≤ 0 ℃ number of days in the western and northern regions up to 250-280 days, 100-200 days about the Brahmaputra region, southeast region in 100 days or less.

Winter half year precipitation, air dry. In addition to the Himalayas and south-east outside the 11-April precipitation is less than 80 mm, less than 12% of annual precipitation, and some less than 5%. Relative humidity is very low, most regions are between 30-40%, one of the national minimum. More snow in the Himalayas and south-east, rainfall of up to 150-300 mm, accounting for more than 20% of annual precipitation.

Westerly flow of high altitudes, the winter winds more than six months. In addition to the east traverse mountains, most of the regional level throughout the year winds ≥ 8 days in 50 days, the western and northern regions up to 100-165 days, the wind on more concentrated in the winter months. Air density on the plateau, under the same conditions in the wind, air pressure low, generally only 60-80% of the plains.

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